Giving Credit Where It Wasn’t Due

By |2016-03-25T13:06:14-05:00March 25, 2016|Categories: Blog, Culture, Deaf Community, Deaf Education, History, Humanity, Interpreting, Language, Stereotypes|

Video description: Trudy, a white woman with shoulder-length brown hair, is wearing a deep royal blue sweater. She is seated in the corner with [...]

Deaf Women Supporting Deaf Women

By |2024-12-07T21:42:51-05:00March 1, 2016|Categories: Business, Community resources, Deaf Community, Deaf-Owned Businesses, Humanity, Notable People, Stereotypes|

This article originally appeared in Get a Z Life Magazine.  When you put a group of women together to work, what do you get? [...]

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Full, unfiltered access to ASL and the world

By |2016-02-14T21:06:29-05:00February 14, 2016|Categories: Blog, Childhood, Culture, Deaf Community, Humanity, Language, Parenting|

(Reposted from my Facebook page, February 13, 2016) My (deaf) daughters and I went out for dinner, and my four-year-old asked me why it [...]

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Open letter to Jason Curry, sComm CEO

By |2015-03-30T11:27:33-05:00March 30, 2015|Categories: Business, Community resources, Culture, Deaf Community, Deaf-Owned Businesses, Humanity, Stereotypes|

(To learn more about this open letter, go here.) March 30, 2015 Mr. Curry: Thank you for the video you released on Friday, March [...]

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