Some water with that, please?
This article originally appeared at in October 2007, and was updated April 5, 2013. Click here to see the second part of this [...]
This article originally appeared at in October 2007, and was updated April 5, 2013. Click here to see the second part of this [...]
Ronda Kopatich-Johnson was my children's teacher aide last year in preschool, and my children went ga-ga over her. My children came home with new words [...]
This article originally appeared in Gallaudet University's The Buff and Blue's Oct. 24, 2009 issue. When I went through my father’s things after his [...]
This article originally appeared at In the February issue of the Discovering Deaf Worlds newsletter, Christy Smith and Dave Justice write about meeting [...]
This article originally appeared at It was a question that lingered in many people's minds, including ours. We all wondered, given that my [...]
This article originally appeared at I received a coupon booklet in the mail recently from Similac, a company that produces infant formula milk. [...]
This article originally appeared at An Alton Telegraph (Illinois) article reads in part: Springfield, Ill. (AP) - About 100 deaf citizens carried placards [...]
This article originally appeared at A group of disabled people filed a civil lawsuit, citing the state Constitution and the Americans with Disabilities [...]
January 2, 2009: This organization is apparently inactive. Donations to the organization have not been returned nor acknowledged; complaints have been filed with the [...]
This article originally appeared at There's a new interpreter training/preparation program (ITP) in Quincy, Ill., at Quincy University where my grandmother worked for [...]